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Career Paths

Computer Science/Software Engineering Degree:

Software Engineer (most common)

Data Engineer

Computer System Analyst

UI/UX Designer

Cloud Engineer

Database Administration

Malware Analyst

Machine Learning Engineer (most require a Masters)

Types of Software Engineer:

Front-End Engineer (most common). A Front-End Engineer works with HTML, CSS, JavaScript developing websites.

React Engineer - This is the same as above but using a specific tool/technology to do so.

iOS Engineer - Works on Apple Products with the Swift Programming language.

Android Engineer - Works on Android Products with the Kotlin Programming language.

Full-Stack Engineer - This is someone who works both on Front-End and Back-End Engineering. Meaning they work on what the user sees (Front-End) and works on how it all works (Back-End).

Back-End Engineer - This type of Software Engineer works on how the app works and how it functions, instead of the appearance.


Getting your RN License combined with a Bachelors in Nursing will land you a Registered Nurse career. However, a Nursing Degree is very universal and you can do other jobs such as more technical roles like Nursing Informatics. You can do a Masters Family Nurse Practitioner program if you want to be a Nurse Practitioner. One of my favorite Master's Degree level careers.

Information Technology or Cyberseurity:

Security Analyst

System Administrator

Cloud Engineer

Database Administrator

Linux Administrator

Security Engineer

Network Engineer

Cybersecurity Analyst

Penetration Tester

Electrical & Computer Engineering:

Hardware Engineer

Robotics Engineer

Software Engineer

Computer Engineer

Management Information Systems:

Also called Computer Information Systems.

Business Analyst

Data Analyst

Information Systems Manager

Technical Support

Software Engineer (with some added projects to your resume plus networking)