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About Me

YouTube - @alexsheppe


I'm Alex Sheppe, and I did everything you guys are reading about and attempting to do. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, I was left without a job due to mine being closed down by the government. I was struggling, worried, stressed, and at a low point in my life. I decided to go back to school and researched: How can I graduate faster? At my age, and my need for income, a four year degree just wasn't feasible. This is when I discovered ACE Credits and how fast you can complete these courses and transfer them into schools like Western Governors University and Thomas Edison State University. I ended up graduating from Thomas Edison State University with a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science back in 2022.

I don't want anyone to struggle in life. There is a future out there for you. Even if this is not the path, there is some path for you, a path you just haven't discovered yet. Always believe in yourself, always move forward, and always strive to be better. The best you is always the current you. Today. Take action of your life and make your dream a reality. Don't think about your future. Become your future.
